students playing sports

The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 9th December 2021

At this time of year, I think most people reflect on the previous 12 months and I am no exception. Last year at this time I was in a different school and part of a different school community. A lot has changed for me in the past year. I have joined St Christopher’s, joined a wonderful new school community, and I couldn’t be happier!

Every day this term I have discovered another thing to love about our school: sparky and intelligent children, kind and helpful buddies, dedicated and caring teachers, tireless support staff, unique traditions like the staff Christmas song and the House flags that fly every Friday, and the three cheers thank you to the kitchen staff at the end of a term. I am sure there are many more that I have yet to see. I heard the School Hymn sung for the very first time this morning, albeit in a pre-recorded version!

I know that for some families this past year has included many changes too, and there will be a lot to reflect on. What do you reflect on at this time of year? What are your wishes for the year ahead? At this time of year, the nights draw in and we naturally spend time with friends and family, giving thanks for both. At a time like this, the plight of child refugees in our city seems more desperate than ever, and it was heartwarming to see how quickly our school community rose to the challenge of offering support. A huge selection of board games and warm coats have been collected, and literally hundreds of colourful, inspiring, and hopeful messages were produced by the children yesterday, following an appeal from Miss Smart. It is perhaps not stretching things too far to consider Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus as strangers who found themselves vulnerable and in need, in a place where they knew nobody.

To offer others community is one of the greatest things human beings can do for each other. I thank the school for their support of others in the situation above, and I thank the children, staff, and parents of St Christopher’s for helping me feel so welcome in my first term.

Wishing you a wonderful, joy-filled holiday and happy new year.

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections
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