Aims & Ethos

Mission Statement

St Christopher’s primary aim is to provide all its pupils with a first-class academic education within a supportive family environment.


The school aims to enable its pupils to:

  • Learn the habits and rewards of hard work and careful study.
  • Learn to take responsibility for their own actions and to consider the welfare of others.
  • Enjoy discovering and developing their own talents and interests through different curricular and non-curricular activities.
  • Appreciate the value of self-discipline and high standards.
  • Be prepared in such a way as to enable them to gain places at Brighton College or the Senior School of their choice.
  • Develop as individuals through moral and spiritual exploration.
"Pupils display high levels of self-awareness and self-discipline which help them to reflect maturely on their academic strengths and areas for development."
Open Morning


Senior pupils outside the school gate
Come along to our Open Morning on Saturday 21st Sept from 09.30am-12pm, to find out what makes St Christopher’s Prep so special!

Register now

Senior pupils outside the school gate