Meet The Parents' Association | Prep School Brighton | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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Meet Our Parents’ Association

St Christopher’s Prep Parents’ Association welcomes you…

As a parent or carer, as soon as your child joins St Christopher’s, you automatically become a member of the Parents’ Association.
The PA is a fun and sociable way to bring staff, parents, carers and children together in support of our school. Throughout the year we hold a range of events which raise funds, but just as importantly, bring our school community together. To stage our events, we rely on your support – no amount of time or gesture is too small or insignificant.

The Committee…

Our committee is made up of parents and staff members. We generally meet once every term for full committee meetings, and closer to event dates we may have smaller group meetings as necessary.

How do we spend the money we raise?

We are committed to spend the money we raise on items and activities that will directly benefit the children.
Examples have included: play equipment, cameras to be taken to sports fixtures, music and drama performances to capture the action and share in the school Newsletter, workshops and talks, trips to the theatre, and social events such as quizzes and discos.

How can you be involved?

There are many ways in which you can be involved with the PA. You don’t have to commit to meetings, or even come into school.
There are lots of little jobs that can be done from home such as helping to organise events.

If you are able to give us some of your time helping to set up our events, or an slot running a stall at the School Fair – it is gratefully received! Many hands really do make light work and above all else, it’s a great way to be involved in your child’s school! Please do get in touch with us – your help, no matter how big or small would be very welcome.

You can leave your contact details with the school office or write to us directly at

Join Us at an Open Morning!

Come along to our Open Morning on Friday 31st January 2025 from 09.30am – 12pm, to find out what makes St Christopher’s Prep so special!

Register now