students playing sports

The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 14th January 2022

Happy New Year! As we begin the year 2022, I have been thinking about exploration and discovery, and the hope they bring to all of us. Just knowing that new and exciting things are possible allows us to imagine a better future. In the past few years, we have seen: unprecedented cooperation across countries to create advances in medical technology related to the fight against covid; Army Officer Preet Chandi being the first woman of colour to complete a solo expedition across Antarctica; the largest fossilised ichthyosaur was found in a Rutland reservoir; a new primate skull was found in Ethiopia, which is shedding more light on the evolution of humans; a badger dug up a hoard of Roman coins, the largest hoard ever discovered in Spain (this discovery was brought to my attention by Drake Badgers House); and the James Webb telescope launched on Christmas day on its mission to study the beginnings of our universe.

One of the most delightful aspects of working with children is that they are discovering new things every day. Children see new discoveries and achievements as a normal part of every day, which is wonderful! The joy of discovery starts in childhood and is nurtured through school in well developed lessons taught by teachers who have huge enthusiasm for subjects in which they are highly qualified specialists. Lessons at St Christopher’s are designed to allow children to explore topics and make learning discoveries for themselves. This week, I have seen Year 2 discovering the patterns of number bonds, Year 5 polishing their drama performance of Elf: The Musical, Year 8 enjoying the challenge of trying to see both sides of a debate, and Year 6 drawing the conclusion that the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism inspired the creators Star Wars universe.

I love to learn about new discoveries and new accomplishments and I am very lucky to be in a school where exploration and discovery is embedded in every lesson. New discoveries and new accomplishments tickle our brains, show us what is possible, and give us hope for the future. I wonder what discoveries and accomplishments 2022 holds?

Notes and Reminders
Currently our covid situation at school looks very reassuring and our infection rate is very low. Today, we have four children out isolating which is 1 % of the school. I want to thank you for your support with our covid precautions and I will continue to keep you updated as the term progresses. Please note that a positive LFT result does not now require a PCR test to confirm infection and the isolation period can begin right away.

As is traditional, the first Assembly of term was led by the Head of School for the term. Otto, our Head of School for Lent 2022, made a splendid speech about the importance of friends and family, especially when things don’t go your way.

Ms E Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections