This morning was Open Morning, a regular event in the school calendar, and I am proud to say that the school was on its usual sparkling form for this occasion. Lots of our visitors remarked on the children’s manners, smart appearance, and the warm feeling of our community. Tomorrow sees us open to the public in an entirely new capacity, and one that I am particularly excited about – our first ever participation in the Brighton Festival Artists’ Open Houses.
This event will take place on our front playground, hopefully with the good weather that traditionally accompanies St Christopher’s events in Summer Term. Art in a variety of media will be on display, representing children from our very youngest in Reception up to the hugely impressive portfolios of our Year 8 Art Scholars. The event runs from 12pm to 3pm, so those of you planning to watch the Children’s Parade in the morning will be able to make both events if you wish. My thanks to all those who have spent a great deal of time in recent weeks making this event possible.
Art, and creativity in general, are such an important part of life at any stage. As 8H made preparations for the Scholarship exams they sat this week, we reminded them of the importance of finding time for creativity. They found time to draw, paint, play musical instruments, sing songs, create animations, dance, cook, and bake amidst all the textbooks and computer screens. We offer the same advice to 8F as their CE assessments begin soon. Creating art, or simply engaging with it, is an opportunity that we should all make time to enjoy in our busy lives, especially when we face challenges or obstacles like exams.
Next Friday is Pyjamarama Day, organised by The Book Trust. The children are encouraged to wear pyjamas and/or onesies, in return for a small donation to the charity. Our children enjoy a welcoming and well stocked School Library, and come from homes with plenty of books; not every child in the UK is so fortunate. We will find lots of opportunities for shared reading on the day, with different year groups discussing their favourite books and reading together. Year 8 are looking forward to spending a morning down at Glebe reading and playing with their Reception Buddies. My single greatest advice to parents, unchanged since I entered the teaching profession, is to read with your child as much as you can.
We have an exciting afternoon ahead of us tomorrow, and I hope to see many of you at our community Art event.
Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head