The Head's reflections on the week | Brighton Indpendent Schools | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 16th September 2022

In lessons this week, we have taken some time to frame the death of Queen Elizabeth II as part of a process that is constantly moving forward, and that has shaped our nation. We have looked at how succession works, and explained how they are likely to see a change of monarch twice more in their lives. The history of our nation is divided into the epochs of monarchs, good and bad, and the achievements that have been made in their reigns. History will remember Elizabeth II very much in the collection of Good Things, alongside her Tudor namesake and great grandmother Victoria.

This week there have been many discussions about change and how our world has changed over time and will continue to change over our lifetimes. We should celebrate the reign of Queen Elizabeth II as one that saw extraordinary change for the positive in British culture and society. The country the young princess inherited was a divided, insular, class based, institutionally racist, sexist, and homophobic one. Although we have a way to go yet in terms of equality, the reign of Elizabeth II should be seen as one of great progress in all fields of human life, technology, and innovation. One example that resonates with children and adults alike, is the care that we now show to our environment. At the start of the Queen’s reign, many resources were considered almost infinite and little care was taken of our planet.

Over the past three years we have seen a lot of change beginning with the worldwide Covid pandemic, war on our doorstep, economic changes, a new Prime Minister and most recently the loss of the Queen and accession of King Charles III. This can feel very unsettling to some children. In times like these, it can be helpful to remember the things that are constant – the joy of a good book, our shared values, and the everlasting love of family.

In the celebration assembly this week we heard from our Head of School, Nelly in Year 8. In her address, she also spoke about change and the positives that can come from embracing change. She gave a very thoughtful speech and all of the children listened beautifully.

You may remember that at the end of last year, St Christopher’s was shortlisted for Pre-Prep School of the Year by the Independent Schools publication. Being shortlisted is a great honour and I am very proud of our school. We found out this week that, unfortunately, we did not win. Nevertheless, I am positive that it is only a matter of time before St Christopher’s wins another award!

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections