The Head's reflections on the week | Private School East Sussex | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 7th October 2022

Now that the leaves are turning and the days are getting shorter, it is really starting to feel like Autumn, and I thought the Harvest Festival service last Thursday was a joyful tribute to this time of year. It was also the first time this school year that we could invite parents to join us and it was heartwarming to see so many of you there.

I’ve adapted a bit from my homily to share with you again, here: There is a saying I really like that I shared last week at church. It is When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence. It is a reminder that we should share what we have. Interestingly, all of the major religions around the world agree on this. Sharing what we have with others who have less is important and the right thing to do. This is the message of Harvest Festival. Sukkot, which some in our community will celebrate on Sunday, also looks back to times of scarcity to give thanks for present comforts, and look after those in need accordingly.

It is also one of our values at St Christopher’s. We care about each other and that means we share. This is the perfect time to think about what you can share with others. Maybe you have an apple tree like I do and you can share apples with your neighbours and friends. Maybe you have some books or toys that you have outgrown that you can share with a charity. Maybe you have some time you can share to help someone tidy their garden or walk their dog. My thought for you is this; when you have extra, remember to share with others.

My thanks to all who gave generously at the church last week, and those who supported online.

A copy of our latest Yearbook should have come home with your child last Friday. I hope you enjoy looking back on a year in the life of our community; please share it with anyone you think would like to know more about our school.

Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you at the PA Quiz Night later. A night that combines high academic expectations, positive reflection when things don’t go right, being gracious in defeat, magnanimous in triumph, and fair play. In essence, the ethos of our school.

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections