The Head's reflections on the week | Prep School Hove | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 13th January 2023

Student on plinth

St Christopher’s started the new year with an inspiring speech from our Head of School for the Lent Term. In his well-crafted speech he told the school about how he recently tried Park Runs for the first time. He explained that his first run was incredibly difficult and he wanted to quit. Nonetheless, he persevered with a bit of encouragement from his family and, over time, the Park Runs got easier. The feelings of success and improvement encouraged him to continue and return each week. Now he is very pleased that he did not give up. In his speech he encouraged all of the children to try new things and to persevere even if something is difficult or uncomfortable at first.

Over the break I was fortunate enough to travel to California and New Zealand to visit family. Travelling has always been a passion of mine because it is incredibly humbling and pushes me outside my comfort zone. I am forced to try new things. On this trip I found myself outside my comfort zone on several occasions: mountain biking, waiting in the dark to see a kiwi bird, and zooming around a track on a much-too-fast go cart. For all of us, new adventures, new sights, new foods, or trying a new language (in my case, just a few words of Maori) show us that we are all a small piece in a world much larger than ourselves. It forces us outside our comfort zones, and it allows us to learn more about ourselves. As you can see from my earlier paragraph, I agree, we should all try new things regularly and persevere when things get tough!

One of the things I enjoy most about being a Head is escaping from my computer and walking around school, taking time to chat. I very much enjoy the time I get to spend on the Gate in the mornings, even if I need an umbrella like I have this week. Next time you see me, do let me know what new things you have tried this new year! I know his message inspired a few pupils and staff to join the Park Run last weekend, and I hope this edition of my Reflections inspires everyone even more.

A final request from me, please. From next week, Reception will be joining us at “big school” each Wednesday, being dropped off and collected from our main site. Can I ask those who drive to school to perhaps park a little further away and walk a short distance on Wednesdays, to allow the parents of our very youngest children to park near to school? As ever, I remind you to park legally and responsibly, respecting our neighbours.

Ms E Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections