Reception children had their first visit to the main site this week. They were buzzing with excitement throughout the day. They had a body percussion music lesson in the Performing Arts Room, ate lunch in the Hall, and went on an explore and learn trip around our site, looking into different classrooms and meeting lots of new people. Visiting ‘big school’ regularly allows our youngest children to experience more of the school and they transition seamlessly to the new and bigger environment of Year 1 when the time comes. Our Buddy system plays a big part in this, and Year 8 were there on the Gate to welcome the Reception children.
I am delighted to see that two Random Act Of Kindness nominations were put forward that day, for two Year 2 children who looked after a little girl in Reception who was finding playtime all a bit new and overwhelming. Within minutes, she was laughing and playing with them. When these kinds of events take place, unprompted by adults, I feel most proud of our community. Kindness is all.
The freezing temperatures this week give us cause to be thankful for our advantages compared to many in our city, whether those who are homeless or those unable to heat their homes in these difficult times. On my topic of kindness, this week’s Assembly by Anson Lions focused on their chosen charity, Off the Fence. We heard from its founder, Paul Young, a long standing friend of St Christopher’s.
Paul talked about the work they do in our city with those most in need, and how the charity has grown from very small beginnings 25 years ago to the city wide team that now makes such a difference to so many people. Paul spoke about how his Christian faith inspired his mission to reach out to others. I think it is very important that our pupils develop a wider sense of self, whether through religious conviction, altruism for its own sake, or simply a passion to make our world a better place for the generations that follow. Supporting local charities is one way children can give back.
There was further evidence of this in Thursday’s House Meetings, where Nelson Dragons used our school postcards to write to those who are supported by Together Co, their chosen charity for the year. At this rather gloomy time of year, messages of goodwill will be received by some of those who are lonely or isolated in our city. It is wonderful to be able to write to you this week with insight into how St Christopher’s cares for those both within and beyond its walls.
Kung Hei Fat Choi to all those who will be celebrating the arrival of Year of the Rabbit this weekend; next week’s Newsletter will have lots of coverage of how we mark this event as a school community.
Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head