The Head's reflections on the week | Prep School East Sussex | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 10th March 2023

Students looking up at socks

It was great this week to have our first “live in person” Parents’ Evenings since lockdown, and to welcome Reception parents to our main site en masse. Communication between home and school is so important, and maintaining it over the past two years has been a challenge. St Christopher’s provides a wide range of communications with our community, with the Newsletter you are reading right now being a prime example. I am pleased to see more and more parents, grandparents, and old boys and girls following us on social media, where pictures and videos of school events are posted very regularly.

Our Office staff do a brilliant job of fielding phone calls and emails, as do our Form Tutors, who represent an excellent first point of contact for any issue big or small.

However, face to face communication, especially about something as important as your child’s education and welfare, is always going to be better than other means. I am always pleased that parents stop and chat to me on the Gate in the mornings; I can answer many questions straight away, removing the need for emails or phone calls to the Office. For those I can’t, I will point you in the direction of someone who can! As I said, communication between home and school is so important, and I am glad that we are returning to normal with Parents’ Evenings in this respect. I hope the word “Zoom” reverts to being an ice lolly, rather than evoking the phrase “You’re on mute!”.

The first sign that Covid was truly on the wane was our triumphant Spring Fair last year, when the weather had clearly read the email, and our community celebrated being together again. This year’s event is coming up fast, and it’s not too soon to think about preparations or offering your support. We have had some marvellous donations to the Silent Auction, but there is still room for more if you or your company can offer something. All proceeds will support the vital local charity Pelican Parcels. My thanks, as ever, to our hugely supportive Parents’ Association for all their hard work.

As I hope your children tell you, I talk a lot about the Growth Mindset. Bouncing back when things don’t go our way is a vital life skill, and one to have in place as early as possible. Life involves making difficult decisions, and we have to be prepared for a variety of consequences. Choosing a senior school, moving house, and changing jobs are all examples of big decisions, and ones that can be stressful. To this end, I can recommend a brilliant TED talk Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices.

Finally, best of luck to the U13 Rugby 7s team who are competing in the Windlesham House tournament on Saturday. Bring back the silverware!

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections
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