The Head's reflections on the week | Prep Schools East Sussex | St Christopher's Prep Hove
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The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 12th May 2023


I spoke last week about the importance of residential trips. Year 5 and 6 had a great time at Windmill Hill this week, arriving back on Wednesday afternoon happy and tired.

At the end of last term, I used my Newsletter piece to talk about the Performing Arts, and it is the turn today for the Visual Arts to have their moment in the limelight. Last Friday was Open Morning, and visitors to our Art Room are always impressed by the cascade of colour and creativity found within. Art at St Christopher’s is not limited to the Art Room; the children enter the building past a rotating display of work by local artists, designed to expose them to a wide variety of styles and media. As they queue for their lunch, the walls in the Hall are decorated with displays from different year groups, which often tie in to their classroom topics. Some fantastic collages of Queen Victoria by Year 3 are the latest example.

Art is a vital part of co-curricular education, and no good school should scrimp on its place in the timetable. Reception children learn coordination and motor skills, as well as the tactile joys of working with clay or papier mache. As with the Performing Arts, progression can clearly be seen across the school, culminating in the portfolios that our most talented Year 8 students present to their future schools. As with all co-curricular subjects, Art is an outlet that can help mental wellbeing, and be a chance to shine for someone who finds other aspects of school life more challenging. Beyond pencil on paper, some children may develop a passion for 3D construction, a love of stop-motion animation, or an eye for photography. As ever, we seek to encourage and nurture the talents of every individual.

We are very lucky to have Mrs Watson as our Head of Art, ably assisted by Mrs Sarjent and Mrs Lewis. I was delighted that the concept for our first ever Artists’ Open House last year was one of inclusivity, with artwork by every single child in our school on display. I am proud to report that tomorrow’s event follows the same format. Please join us on the front playground from 12pm, with refreshments and live music, as well as face painting and craft activities for younger ones. As ever, I have been hugely impressed with how our staff have volunteered to help make this weekend event possible; the key word here is “community”. We work together as a school community to share a wonderful event with our local community, of which we are a proud part.

I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow.

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections
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