I always think that the Reception and Year 1 Nativities mark the start of the festive season at St Christopher’s, and this year’s performances were a triumph! Events followed thick and fast: a delicious Christmas Lunch, drawing names from a hat for class Secret Santas, and the judging of the Class Door Decorations. The results of the Festive Card Competition were announced this morning, and this evening sees our Courtyard Carols event, which I will return to later.
The festive season of course encompasses the festivals of Christmas and Hanukkah, but means many things to those of different religions and those of none. For many of us, it is a time to see family that we can only speak to online for the rest of the year. It is a time for food and friendship, a time to reflect on the year’s achievements and to plan for the coming one.
The giving of gifts is of course the aspect that children look forward to most, but I expect St Christopher’s children to also understand about the importance of giving outside family and friends at this time. Our Carol Service will conclude with a collection for the four House Charities. Please make sure you have some good old fashioned cash for the colour coded buckets (Anson Lions, Drake Badgers, Howe Dolphins, Nelson Dragons) as the House Captains love counting it all up to find a winner. We will have QR codes on hand as well for those who are now contactless only!
St Christopher’s Carol Service is a magical event, and one that brings the entire school community together. I hope to see a large number of you there next week; the new priest was taken aback when we told her that we fill such a big church each year, and have done every year for well over thirty years! All children should be in very smart uniform next Wednesday, and I ask that all bags go home on Tuesday to avoid clutter in church. Similarly, all cards and gifts for other children and members of staff should be brought in by Tuesday at the latest, please, to avoid things getting left behind by mistake.
But back to this evening! I am very much looking forward to our annual Courtyard Carols, this year with the wonderful addition of the Hangleton Brass Band to accompany us. This has been made possible by our ever supportive Parents’ Association. The PA will be relaunching in the new year, with regular features and information in the Newsletter. They do so much for our school community, and are always looking for new volunteers.
However, wherever, and with whoever you spend it, I wish you the very best of the festive season on behalf of the St Christopher’s community.
Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head