students playing sports

The Head’s reflections on the week

Posted: 3rd November 2023

Students on the Coast

One of the simplest and most important life lessons, accessible to even our youngest children is: Nobody Is Perfect. The earliest Greek philosophers pointed out that if we learn from our mistakes, then those who never make them learn little from life, and thus lack wisdom. Everyone makes mistakes. In today’s Celebration Assembly I spoke to Middle and Upper School about the inevitability of mistakes and how to make an apology. It is important to know how to give a heartfelt apology, and how a reflective, constructive mea culpa can strengthen relationships, whether personal or professional. An important life skill.

Earlier this week, the whole of Upper School took a trip to Dorset, spending three days on the Jurassic coast. Covering History, Geography, English, and Science between them, residential trips bring alive topics studied in the classroom. They had much better weather than we did, and made it home safely before the present conditions set in. They were worn out from lots of hiking in the fresh air, and many were still hoarse from the Halloween Talent Show on their last night. My thanks as ever to the team of staff who make events like this possible.

Exams are on the horizon for our oldest pupils, and those in Year 6 sitting the ISEB Pre-Test. By the time they reach the exams for entry to their senior schools, our children are well versed not only in the topics examined, but also in the techniques that make effective revision, and useful skills such as mindfulness to help them give the best of themselves in challenging situations. I am always impressed by the air of calmness and focus that attends exam periods at St Christopher’s.

Good luck and indeed Break A Leg to Year 5, who take part in the Shakespeare Schools’ Festival performance at The Old Market Theatre next Monday. They present their version of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare’s classic tale of star-crossed lovers. They will perform to the school as well in a special Assembly.

Finally, can I remind parents to park legally and responsibly at drop off and pick up times, being especially considerate of our neighbours and not blocking driveways. Your support is much appreciated in this matter.

Ms Elizabeth Lyle, Head

Categories: Head's Reflections